If you are interested in donating money towards recording Please PayPal a donation as a gift to jacobandersongrippen (at) gmail.com

If you are interested in booking a show, purchasing a CD or have a question e-mail jacobandersongrippen (at) gmail.com

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Beard Bill - 2/4/2012 the Root Note La Crosse, WI


Long time no post.

Lots of busy stuff, and not a lot of music related things lately.

However, on Saturday, February 4, 2012 I'll be headlining a show with Bo.Monro at the Root Note in La Crosse, WI

Check out the facebook event:  http://www.facebook.com/events/276071635788346/

Come check it out 8:30pm 2/4/2012 the Root Note 115 South 4th Street, La Crosse, WI